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10 examples of Colombian companies that are doing well in email marketing


Email marketing statistics in Latin America reinforce the idea that this channel is one of the most powerful and practical for companies to maintain contact with their customers, as well as to retain , build loyalty and generate sales continuously.

And the Colombian companies that are doing well in email marketing are a clear example of this. So much so that they use this channel to shape their databases and build them with quality information about their subscribers so that later, communication can be personaliz.

Creating a good database is the cornerstone of any digital marketing strategy. In fact, a brand’s ability to capture good, quality leads will determine the life cycle of that business.

Today, there are already statistics

That indicate that for smart marketers, capturing quality leads has become their main goal . And once this is achiev, they move on to working on relationships. To strengthen them. But how can you carry out optimiz communication with all types of clients in a database?

Discover companies in Colombia new zealand telegram phone number list that are doing well in email marketing
1.- Bancolombia
2.- Michael and Graciela
3.- Health and Economy News
4.- National University of Bogota
5.- Avianca
6.- Bogotá Energy Group
7.- BOC International
8.- Mestizo
9.- Colombia Startup Summit
10.- Designplus

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Discover companies in Colombia that are doing well in email marketing

Creating an email marketing campaign involves making a lot of decisions. Deciding what type of content will prevail in the piece, what the design will be like , what the tone of the communication will be, how to create the perfect subject lines to stand out in inboxes, etc.

Some Colombian companies that are doing well in email email marketing gurus: quotes to learn from marketing 10 examples of an inspire you to create your own campaigns. In fact, the ideal thing is to extract some ideas and apply them to your strategy or your next email campaign.

1.- Bancolombia
Colombian companies that are doing well in email marketing: Bancolombia

One of the strengths of an email marketing strategy is that it can be cmo email list automat . In this way, contact with the user is continuous and you ensure that it is generat at the most important moments, sending them the right message.

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