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5 steps to better measure PPC campaigns in 2025

A comprehensive view of marketing measurement in the coming period is somewhat complicated. Third-party cookies are becoming less effective, persisting only within Google, and legal regulations to protect user privacy are increasing.

Advertising platforms have activated new measurement features, but at the same time have reduced some data collection methods.

You won’t see perfect measurement of PPC campaigns this year, but by taking a few important steps right at the beginning of the year, you can position your campaigns to deliver results and collect valuable data.

1. Take care of privacy

Avoid potential fines or website restrictions for privacy policy compliance.

In the European Union, it is necessary to strictly respect the GDPR regulation , while in the USA, laws such as the CCPA impose an obligation to publish current relevant regulations.

You must give users a choice and respect their decision, whether they agree or disagree. If you don’t follow the choice, you’re making the same mistake as not providing it at all.

Examine your website, and if you’re not already using a consent management tool, ensure it’s up and running as soon as possible.

2. Monitor third-party cookies

Understand how you use cookies and where they go so you can manage them effectively.

  • Do you have enhanced conversions set up in Google and Conversions API in Meta and LinkedIn?
  • How does your brand management system work?

With this knowledge, you will be afghanistan mobile database prepared in case third-party cookies cease to be effective (Google opt-out for Chrome users) or are deleted completely.

Without a thorough understanding, you may find that your resources are achieving results that are not entirely aligned with your brand’s specific needs.

3. Collect as much first-party data as possible

As you well know, first-party user data is worth its weight in gold. This is even more true when third-party cookies become ineffective.

Advantages of first-party data:

  • You are their owner.
  • You manage them.
  • You monitor compliance with personal data protection.

Useful tips for collecting first-party data:

Take every opportunity to obtain the necessary data

  • Check that you are correctly storing data such as names, email addresses, lead sources, and more.
  • Collect information about who your users are, what they do, and where they came from.
  • Every interaction and consumption of content (blogs, chats, Q&A, social media profiles, etc.) is an opportunity for you to request user data.
  • Test pop-ups and sub-conversion steps, such as email sign-ups for unique promotions.

Make sure you are working effectively with the data you collect

  • Regularly check the collected data set to detect any leaks.
  • For example, if you use cases for traditional project management notice unusually high traffic on one of your landing pages, check to see if everything is set up correctly.
  • Monitor resource allocation in your CRM to avoid disproportionate increases in direct or undefined customers and to ensure that required fields have logical results.

4. Adopt new measurement strategies

Meta and LinkedIn CAPI and Google Enhanced Conversions are designed to help advertisers better understand conversions without click ID.

Advertisers can send conversion events from their servers back to the platforms, which can confirm that customers interacted with the ads before the event itself. These can be web conversions, offline events tracked in CRM, and the like.

These features are becoming standard quite quickly, but they only work if privacy is respected.

Before setting them up, please note that:

  • You will need to work a little on advanced conversions and CAPI.
  • To properly capture and store data, a set field mapping is required.

A mistake that often occurs is preparing these functions too slowly, but also hasty setup regardless of errors and low compliance rates.

Meta reports an event match cpa email list quality score based on the quality of customer information, from 0 to 10. If you have a score of 8 to 10, it’s fine, from 7 and below it’s a bad result that requires action.

In the case of Google, you can see the percentage of events with sufficient user data to detect any performance fluctuations.

5. Try server-side tracking

Third-party cookie tracking usually happens on the browser side, but there is also the option of tracking directly on the server side.

This is a method that uses first-party CDP data collection, or Google Tag Manager tracking using first-party cookies. It is more complex than third-party cookie tracking, and you must still adhere to your privacy policy.

You won’t automatically get the 5 steps to better measure same data from servers as you do from browsers. Decide what you want to track and make sure you have the right mechanisms in place. Your needs may change over time as new events or features are added.

When moving to server-side tracking, it is necessary for marketing, product, and sales teams to communicate as much as possible to continuously update the data model.

While this solution is more complex than tracking third-party cookies.

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