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8 Landing Page Mistakes That Make You Lose Leads


Avoiding the biggest landing page mistakes will help you turn this tool into a lead generation machine you can’t put down. In fact, landing pages have become a necessity for all smart marketers. And that’s because the best pieces get unique results.

However, despite all the design guidelines and best practices available across multiple channels, many brands make the same landing page mistakes over and over again . Mistakes that not only hurt their brand image and online reputation, but also their conversion rate.

Keep in mind that landing pages are designed to “ force ” users to convert. Therefore, all elements that make up the page must be geared toward achieving that goal. Otherwise, errors in landing pages will have the opposite effect.

The best thing, however

A is to be aware of these small errors that can ruin your work. This way you will not only avoid them, but you will also know what to do to solve them as soon as possible.

Landing page mistakes: What they are and how to avoid them
1.- First mistake: Not having 8 russia telegram data Landing Page enough landing pages
2.- Not being clear with the value proposition
3.- Distractions are always a problem
4.- Creating forms that are too long and poorly optimized
5.- Neglecting the buyer’s concerns
6.- A bad mobile experience
7.- Your visual content doesn’t tell a story
8.- Slow loading times

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Landing page mistakes: What they are and how to avoid them

As MarketingSherpa data points out , 64% of marketing managers consider landing pages to be the most efficient tool for generating conversions. And not only that. 68% of B2B sites say that landing pages are the most powerful channel when it comes to collecting data from potential customers.

So great is its potential that 48% of marketing managers 8 landing page mistakes that make you lose leads design several landing pages depending on the clients. However, do you think professionals can afford to make mistakes with landing pages? If they put so much emphasis on this aspect, why can you afford to neglect it? Turn the situation around.

1.- First mistake: Not having enough landing pages
errors in landing pages specific landing

Having the right number of landing pages is essential in any cg leads marketing strategy today. Something you cannot afford to do without under any circumstances.

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