contact name: Daneal Charney
contact job function details: talent venture services
contact job function: human_resources
contact job title: Talent Lead, Venture Services
contact job seniority: manager
contact person city: Toronto
contact person state: Ontario
contact person country: Canada
contact person zip code:
business name: MaRS Discovery District
business domain:
business facebook URL:
business linkedin:
business twitter:
business website:
denmark telegram phone numbers
business angellist:
business found year: 2000
business city: Toronto
business zip code: M5G 1L7
business state: Ontario
business country: Canada
business language: English
business employee: 334
business category: information technology & services
business specialty: incubator, real estate, entrepreneurship education, business advisory, accelerator, startups, systems change, innovation, information technology and services
business technology: postageapp,zendesk,rackspace,segment_io,google_async,facebook_widget,mailchimp,leadpages,youtube,google_tag_manager,nginx,crazyegg,google_plus_login,facebook_web_custom_audiences,wordpress_org,eventbrite,mobile_friendly,vimeo,facebook_login,google_font_api,new_relic,shutterstock,varnish,formstack,synxis_sabre_hospitality,intercom,google_analytics,gravity_forms
business description: MaRS Discovery District in Toronto is one of the world?╟╓s largest urban innovation hubs. Our purpose is to help innovators change the world.