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Triumph over the competition

Finally, if your brand is the one that produces the most comprehensive and relevant content about washing machines, who do you think users will look to when they want to know something about washing machines? Who will they trust if they need to make a purchase?

Although it takes time and a lot of work to implement an SEO strategy, in the long term it generates consistent and lasting results.

7. Better return on investment

SEO requires a much smaller investment than othe senegal phone number data r strategies such as SEM or traditional advertising.

The investment required by SEO translates into the payment of some tools such as those we saw previously, the salaries of the SEO specialist or the content creator and the payment of the domain and hosting of the website, for example.

However, the return multiplies the investment many times over and the best thing is that the work that was done once continues to generate returns in the medium and long term.

We are now going to explain to you, step by step, the most important SEO concepts and teach you the strategies we use to reach the top spots on Google.

And it all starts when the user performs a search.

What types of search exist?

Search psychology revolves around the user: their needs, their way of searching for answers, the results they expect when searching for something, etc.

Companies that invest in Digital Marketing should respond objectively to all these questions and needs.

One of the first steps to understanding user search is to understand their browsing intent, which is essential to attract the right audience to your site.

So let’s explain what brings users to Google. There are three types of search:

1. Navigational search

This type of search — also known as shortcut search use high-resolution images  — happens when the user already knows what site they would like to visit, but may not remember the full URL or is too lazy to type.

For example, if a user searches for ” Rock Content ” or “Rock Content blog” to find our content, their search intent is clear and therefore there is little chance that this user will change their final destination on the web — this person already knows what they are looking for.

2. Information search

As the name suggests, in informational search the user looks for information, whether through news, product launches or explanatory articles.

Unlike navigational search, the user does not know exactly which site they will arrive at to find the content they are looking for, since it is not possible to clearly identify their search intention.

In an Inbound Marketing strategy , this organic visibility is essential to attract users to a business’s pages and begin their journey to become customers.

Because users do not know exactly which site el leads  they want to visit, they tend to use organic results to find a solution to their doubt or need, and it is at this point that good web positioning of the blog or site is an advantage for businesses.

Look at an example of informational research:

3. Transactional search

In this type of search, the user wants to execute a transaction, such as directly purchasing a product or finding a store. This search is extremely valuable, especially for e-commerce sites .

Now that you understand the 3 types of search, in the next topic we are going to explain how the largest search engine in the world works, Google.

4. Local Search

Local searches are searches with a geographic component, within a given region, for example, when the user searches for restaurants, cinemas, shops, hotels,

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