The beauty industry is, in a nutshell, massive. It’s expansive, fiercely competitive, deep-root, and tough to elbow in through the few huge players in the space. As daunting as all of that sounds, it wasn’t enough to stop Jordynn Wynn, co-founder of Insert Name Here (INH) Hair.
Since 2018, in haircare. From extensions and wigs to hair color and tools of the trade, the brand promises “no more bad hair days” will be had. Bas in Los Angeles, California, Wynn and brand partner Sharon Pak have been innovating a stagnant space, disrupting an industry, and embodying the best customer experience this side of the Mississippi all in the face of learning on the fly and an uncertain pandemic.
Read on for more insights and how
tos with with ecommerce expert!
Q: What’s one thing you know now that you wish you’d known five years ago?
A: That’s such a big question! There are many things I have learn even in the last two years, but I think the one thing I wish I had known is what key metrics I ne to consider for building successful businesses.
Breaking it down with questions such as: what overseas data kind of LTV are you looking at, how are you going to even achieve that LTV, and are these repeat purchase products? Also, what does your CPA ne to be and what do your margins ne to be?
When I launch INH,
which is my first brand, my team and I felt it was an amazing find out what your customers ne product. We lov it, launch it, and we were picking prices out of the sky. Now, two-and-a-half years in, we’re finding other ways to go about this. Now I’m on the board of a lot of different betting email list brands and I realiz that I was definitely not the only one who didn’t know of a strategic approach when getting start.
I think it would be so helpful and save people a lot of pain down the road when they’re trying to later optimize.