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We quantify the use of these tracing


 To stem the epidemic. The  China. The  Korea. The  and Taiwan have indee quickly use large-scale geolocation and facial recognition systems. 2% of French people have downloade Stop Covid. “In a country of 66 million inhabitants. The  this is not nothing. The ” says Sylvain Louvet. The director insists above all on the existence of a “distorting mirror” when we quantify the use of these tracing applications. the “steps taken” in the acceptance of these new technologies are in reality more important than the number of people who actually submit to the device.


What is striking in post-Covid-19

France is the fact that people have agree to be geolocate to cell phone database avoid being contaminate. Such an agreement would certainly not have been obtaine a few months before the pandemic. Sylvain Louvet thus considers that the health crisis has allowe the establishment of technological surveillance devices that would not normally have seen the light of day for 2 or 3 years. The numerical proof* of the advent of ultra-surveillance societies The global smart video surveillance market is estimate at nearly $40 billion. The  with more than 500 million video surveillance cameras installe worldwide.


 Video surveillance is also part

The 000 billion investment plan launche by China (Xi Jinping). It is header image via getty images estimate that there will be 1 camera for every 2 inhabitants in China by the end of 2020. Yet the effectiveness of surveillance devices is often questione. While the facial recognition system of Anyvision (an Israeli start-up) appears to be more than 99% reliable. The  lobbies are powerful in this area .


 nearly 40% of the 1.4 billion euros of European funds intende ukraine business directory for security research are allocate to private companies. The mayor of Nice. The  Christian Estrosi. The  has teame up with Thales. The  an arms giant. The  to make Nice a safe city by developing emotion detection systems in transport and “citizen vigilance” applications. But the 2. The 000 cameras already present in Nice in 2016 were unable to prevent the July 14 attack.


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