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Creating an e-shop and email marketing – Give it the importance it deserves

Leverage social media in your eshop

Social media is undoubtedly the digital “spot”  Creating an  where users spend most of their time. Big brands know this very well, and they invest time and money in “building” a strong presence on social media.

However, another trend is expected to dominate  c level contact listCreating an  in 2022, the so-called social commerce, which wants businesses to develop more direct relationships with their customers, interact with them on social media and achieve direct sales. Platforms such as Facebook and Instagram offer the opportunity for businesses to create corresponding e-shops on social media and sell their products.

By creating a strong presence on social media, by constantly posting content, stories, videos and quizzes, a business can communicate directly with a lack of job security is certainly  its customers and build relationships of trust. Social media ads can help significantly in this, increasing the number of visitors to your eshop.

See also: 
Social media and eshop : How to attract customers (A practical guide with all the useful tips that will help you increase your revenue)

The important role that email marketing plays for every e-shop is certainly nothing new. However, the trend taking shape in the market in 2022 seems to place email marketing as one of the main protagonists of this year.

Social media, such as Facebook and Instagram, often face problems, and in 2021 there were many times when they were out of service for hours. As a  ch leads result, brands that support their business activity on social media were left “hanging”. This is exactly where email marketing comes in, which is a direct way for a business to communicate with its customers.

By creating your own database of customer emails, which you will constantly enrich, you automatically acquire a “corporate social media”, your own platform for the immediate delivery of messages to your audience. Whenever you have an interesting news to share, a special offer to promote or some new thing you want to communicate to your customers, email marketing is what will help you convey your message immediately.

Make sure your database is constantly updated, while also providing the ability for users who no longer want to receive messages from you to unsubscribe from your list. A particularly effective method for increasing your email marketing audience is to provide incentives to visitors who subscribe to your newsletter, such as special discounts or offers exclusively for your members.

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