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A significant award, now in its

An important and unexpected recognition for my commitment in the Third Sector

Yesterday was a day I will carry in my heart. A significant

During the IX edition of the European Third Sector Forum ? held in Rome on 6 and 7 November? EuConsult Italia wanted to recognize me as the best human resources mentor? within the EuConsult Award .  A significant  fifth edition? which represents an important milestone for those who? like me? have decided to dedicate their professional life to consulting and the growth of the Third Sector.

It was a great honor? which deeply moved me

In over twenty years of career in fundraising? social kuwait phone number library communication and training with my Fundraising Academy and the relationship with schools and universities?I have had the privilege of meeting extraordinary people? facing complex challenges and supporting worthy causes in different social fields: from research to assistance; from the environment to poverty; from the public to the private. Every relationship? project and small achievement has left a profound mark? with an impact that often goes beyond appearances.

I firmly believe that each of us possesses a special wordpress support: find out how quality ? a unique trait that can emerge if carefully cultivated.

Perhaps my gift is precisely this

knowing how to recognize and enhance that adb directory potential in those I meet? helping them to express the best of themselves.

I have always seen my profession as a journey in an “endless prairie” – an image that a dear friend suggested to me just the day before yesterday? while I was traveling to Rome. A journey in which there is always a new road to explore? ideas to grow and people to accompany. Often? the most beautiful things remain hidden? almost shy? and my commitment is precisely this: to support those who seek a direction? helping people and organizations find their own voice.

To become protagonists of their own mission? leaving a mark? even a small one? on the world.

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