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Adaptation in the crisis: trends for 2021

Adapting to the crisis has l to new ways of studying, working, entertaining ourselves, shopping, staying close to friends and family to preserve our well-being during social distancing. A new culture of virtual activities is present and transforming experiences. An example is an analysis made by IDC in June 2020, which reveal that in the crisis.

63% of companies have creat dynamic and digitally reconfigurable work models;

52% have connect organizations and individuals regardless of location, situation or context;

 are building trust with their customers

According to the consulting firm Gartner and its definition of technological trends for 2020, the acceleration of digital transformation is taking on a democratising character. Innovations that were only reserv for one sector are now being us by everyone.

Concepts such as advanc analytics, machine learning , robotics, language processing, sensors and wearable technologies, voice assistants, virtual reality computers, the Internet of Things (IoT ) and the 5G network will create  greece telegram phone number list a set of variables that must be includ

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in daily life from any source and to any destination, as it shows the intention of users to continue with these new consumer habits , which modify the establish bases and rules of the market.


Companies that build strong trust with their consumers today will be able to move forward, but to get to know the post-COVID unlocking linkin’s power for b2b lead generation  customer  and meet their current and future nes, it will be necessary to re-learn some of the characteristics adopt , since many of the life situations prior to the pandemic will not return to what they were.

The main trends of companies for adaptation

So, what are the trends that companies are using to connect with customers that have deepen in this process of adaptation during the crisis ? Here are the top 6:

Hyper-personalization : 75% of customers are loyal to a brand when their nes are remember, therefore, companies must aero leads  have more precise and real-time knowlge to achieve an interaction that generates a memorable and unique experience.

Artificial intelligence (automation) : The multiple benefits of AI , such as conversation flow, instant resolution, as well as personaliz responses and experiences, ruce response times by up to 30%, in addition to providing us

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