contact name: Angelaribeiro [Not Provided]
contact job function details:
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business name: FYI
business domain:
business facebook URL:
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estonia number data trial package
business angellist:
business found year: 2008
business city: Porto
business zip code:
business state: Porto District
business country: Portugal
business language: Portuguese
business employee: 55
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business category: information technology & services
business specialty: html5 js css3, backend, electron, laravel, bootstrap, custom development, social media marketing, sketch, marketing de proximidade, marketing relacional, web activation optimization, scrum, frontend, ux ui, rest api, android, nodejs, invision, nearshore, ios, mongodb, mysql, mobile apps, digital product, zeplin, project management, information technology and services
business technology: mailjet,gmail,google_apps
business description: Empresa dedicada ao conceito Internet of Things (IoT). Desenvolvemos e integramos interfaces web, mobile e interativos sempre com o objetivo de entregar informa?║?·o concreta, com o menor ou nenhuma intera?║?·o do utilizador.