To register a business, you ne to specify the type of services, and then enter the data into OKV. However, this often causes difficulties.
The All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activity (OKV) is necessary for the analytical work of Rosstat, as well as the tax service. Bas on the specifi data, the tax inspectorate compares the services declar by an individual entrepreneur and those actually perform.
If, for example, a company is engag in transportation, but issues an invoice for another type of activity, then such discrepancies become suspicious. This in turn will result in an audit. Perhaps the organization is a one-day firm.
Why are mistakes in OKV indication dangerous?
According to the civil code, companies asia mobile number list are not prohibit from providing any services if this does not contradict the law. to the erroneous conclusion that they can work under any codes. However, if violations are detect in the specifi OKV, the following consequences are possible:
tax inspection for cashing out money;
blocking accounts or suspending transactions on accounts until the details of the transaction are clarifi;
problems when concluding contracts with partners who discover a discrepancy between the declar and actual occupation.
According to the Ministry of Finance, if an individual
Entrepreneur aspiring entrepreneurs provides services not includ in OKV, the counterparty must pay the state income tax and insurance premium. In order not to end up at a loss, customers prefer “clean” transactions or shift financial costs to the entrepreneur, withholding the amount of additional costs from him.
How to choose OKV
The classifier is divid into sections, classes, groups and subgroups. For convenience, each position has an explanation that details the occupation.
The code can be adb directory aspiring charting a new path in the vaping industry with crypto entrepreneurs found in reference books. Sections are nam with letter markings. For the rest, there are numbers. It is necessary to specify at least four numbers. Then all groups will be taken into account.