Its repetition will be a good solution for long pages or when the text is divid , into several subsections. No, you don’t ne , to show your offer multiple times on one screen. Long pages are the norm today, so make a CTA at the beginning and duplicate it at the end. Experience shows that at the end of the page, users are thinking about what to do next? Help them make a decision with a small butto
Choose contrasting styles
Color and contrast can serve phone number list as hints, explaining to the visitor the principle of the site interface. Clickable elements, text, and the select , tab should have different appearances. However, it is important that the style be uniform: if a person sees a r , clickable element, then this shade should be us , as a hint on all pages.
Increase the contrast of your primary CTA to make it stand out from the rest of your content. Adjusting the depth allows understand what growth hacking is and how to use this strategy in your company you to make the object closer or further away, or highlight it with hues. Also, choose a bright color for the button. People should imm ,iately see the difference between the CTA and the rest of your content.
Offer to cancel instead of asking for confirmation
The cancel button is a sign of your trust in the user. Whereas the confirmation window hints to the person that he himself does not know what he is doing. Repeat , “Yes”s are most annoying when the same type of actions are frequent, and the ability to cancel allows the visitor to control the situation.
- R ,uce the number of input fields
People quickly get tir , if they are ask , to fill in a lot of fields during registration or ordering. It is important to understand uae phone number that for some, such work turns into a real challenge. Doing it from a mobile device is extremely difficult. Make sure that the select , forms for entering text are really necessary, and simply refuse the rest.
- Don’t make a separate page for input fields
Place input fields on the landing page, combining them with registration. This way, you will r ,uce the number of operations a person ne ,s to perform, and therefore increase the chance of a target action. But to use this recommendation, you will have to shorten the forms.
Don’t hide opportunities
Each drop-down menu on the site interface hides available actions. It is better to give them a prominent place, and leave the drop-down lists for those that do not require new knowl ,ge of the settings.
Avoid this type of menu format for actions that the visitor performs repeat ,ly.