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How do you build your list?

The money is in you build the list .

You hear this saying all the time in online marketing , but the big question is:


Today I’m going to share with you a few methods to fill your email list with readers hungry to buy.

These methods work even if no one knows you yet, even if you don’t have any followers on social media and your Google ranking is still at zero.

Especially when you are just starting out, you should focus on list building.

(Reading tip: 30 proven ways to build your email list )

But even if your list already has several thousand readers, you will still be able to discover some methods in this episode that will help you make your list even bigger.

Therefore, no matter whether you are new to online business or have been in it for a long time.

List building should always be your focus.

And that’s why you build we’re getting started

Intro + Who is Meike Hohenwarter?
How to build your list! (Freebie Parade)
How to develop the right mindset!
The win-win-win mentality
How Meike Hohenwarter expands her list with books
cooperation requests
The fear of “publishing”
How to Use Affiliate buy bulk sms service Marketing and Joint Ventures as a List-Building Strategy
You don’t need a Lamborghini!
Walter Epp: A final word from Meike.

If someone wants to find out more about you, where should they go and what are the next steps?


yes, and basically, as I said, for me it’s mainly about online courses. There’s of course an auto webinar right on the homepage that you can watch.

You can also get this list-building book.

orth reading: The 10 best marketing books of all time )

In principle, you then look at what is most urgent for you now:

I would rather build the list

Would I rather take you build online courses

There is a lot to just look around

Also a lot of find out what your customers need blog posts, I’m very busy there too.

Just take a look and realize that I drive differently than the Lamborghini drivers.

For example, I’m b2c lead not saying that you can create an online course in three days. 🙂

I’m sorry to have to break this news to you, but if you want something that lasts, you’re going to have to try a little harder.

But I’m here and I’ll help you!

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