that your call-to-action counterpart has,
take out in advance.
Provide more clarity and minimize risk by saying:
“Hey, the call will only take 10 minutes.”
“We will talk for 15 minutes about how we can support you.”
Then you know:
“Hey, we’re going to talk for 15 minutes.”
You know exactly what you are getting.
Bonus Ingredient #4: What happens if the reader doesn’t contact you.
As a little bonus to your call-to-action,
Can you add:
What happens if the reader doesn’t contact you.
For example I know call-to-action some opt-ins
On the left it says:
“Hey, subscribe to my newsletter, I’ll give you my e-book with ten templates for more sales.”
or: “with ten sales scripts to sell more.”
and then bottom right in red:
“No, I don’t want to earn more money. ”
Yes, and if the person then clicks no.
Then he just doesn’t subscribe.
Then he does not give his email,
but it is made very clear to him:
“Hey, the consequence is that you will continue to earn as little money as you earn now.”
Therefore, as a special lead bonus, you can always add and say:
“Hey, if you don’t download my checklist, whatever you’re doing will take longer.”
“You want to keep creating unsuccessful content.”
“You want to continue to have too much fat on your belly.”
These are the consequences of inaction, made clear again.
This increases the likelihood that he will then act.
And since we’ve been talking about calls to action all this time,
Go to
There on the homepage you will see an opt-in.
Enter your email address call-to-action there
Click on Subscribe.
Then you will become part of my email list.
part of my newsletter.
As a thank you, I’ll give you my e-book with 11 recipes for incredibly successful blog articles.
There you will learn:
How to write blog posts that rank high on Google.
How to write current customers provide 65% of companies articles that get shared and commented on a lot.
And bring you fans and customers.
If this is something for you,
go to
Enter your b2c lead email here
Subscribe to the newsletter and then we’ll see you in the email community.
They consist of four simple letters:
The AIDA formula has been on the Internet for ages.