And since the your emails copywriting and content world talks and discusses Chat-GPT every day, I took it up.
True to the motto:
Continue the discussion that is already taking place in your reader’s mind.
How can you implement this in concrete terms?
Do what I do. Instead of wasting your time on social media, see which posts are shared, commented on and liked the most.
Especially the posts that are controversial are pure gold for your marketing.
Create a simple Excel table.
And every time you come across a viral post from your industry, save it there.
And make a your emails newsletter about it
So, that’s it.
These were my top 3 learnings from over 1 million emails sent.
I wish you much success in implementing this.
Write great, be great,
Your Walter
Further job function email database reading tips:
David Ogilvy : 7 Lessons from the Marketing King
If you send a boring email and say:
“Hey, I really need a testimonial from you!”
Then most people will not react.
The trick is that you also use copywriting to get an action from your customers.
2. When they send you a testimonial, you must rewrite the testimonial in such a way
that it also conforms to the laws of persuasion: It should not simply list irrelevant information, but convince others to buy from you.
That’s why you need copywriting here too.
You will get more testimonials and you will write those testimonials better.
#2 Emails
Emails are boring
They may be factual your emails because the writer thought:
“Yes, we are doing content marketing here , the content has to be factual, objective and boring.”
Total nonsense.
Copywriting belongs in email newsletters.
Good copywriting is learning the japanese style of “continuous improvement” interesting.
It captivates the reader from beginning to end.
It uses short words, short sentences, good storytelling and takes the reader from
beginning to end – and agent email list to a call to action.
A good email always has a call-to-action and then guides the reader there.