Over our long history of work, we have tri many tools from different suppliers and brands. Of course, some provide excellent quality, but the price is extremely high. There is another situation: with average pricing, the quality does not correspond to the requir tasks. We were looking for high quality at a reasonable price. And the search was not immiately successful…
On the recommendations of friends from
China and friends of their friends, we america phone number list manag to get access to the products of the OKE plant. A little later, we manag to visit the plant itself in China, where we had the opportunity to get acquaint with the technological process, see how the quality control of the manufactur products is carri out. We visit the finish product warehouse. The volume was amazing! More than 6 million units in stock, which means there will be no shortage and downtime in production due to the lack of tools is exclud. We also visit the testing in China and design area, making sure of the full technological cycle of carbide tool production: from geometry development to coating and packaging.
The plant’s products fully met our
Expectations, agreements on cooperation were reach, and we were happy to become representatives of the plant in the Russian Feration. Unfortunately, Russian manufacturers engag in the production of carbide tools often do not have such cutting-ge technologies and cannot be flexible in pricing, and the range is usually quite narrow.
Problems of cooperation
Difficulties in China in work certainly happen, especially at the beginning of cooperation. For example, the elementary language develop remote leadership skills barrier. Fortunately, our country’s relations with China have adb directory been developing for a long time and quite rapidly, so finding a good translator is no longer a problem, and in English, if desir, you can always understand each other.