Format i then reached out to a friend at google to see if we could . learn also our source at google was able to confirm that yes the google display . network is convert text ads into what they call image ads with richer text and . that this started last month what does google explain rich text is the most brand . safe ad type within our text ad family this ad type runs on text image .
And image only one google logo inventory is combined with this ad design to add
If you would like to . provide a image alt unlike phone number library plain text publishers have no control over the color . This instead the ad type color is derived from the primary and secondary colors . The logo used by advertisers our source at google says manual controls are coming coming .
Soon here is an example of a rich text ad automatically created by one
Our clients accounts but how does grader margot is a content marketing specialist at wordstream the platform decide which ones to automatically convert to . display ads according to our source the following factors are part of the decision to . convert a text to image ad our source at google says we only use the . richest text image ad type in text image and image only slots and only when .
Our predicted ctr the model demonstrates that for
that advertiser and publisher the ctr increases . When that ad is used typographic ads on the google display network and admob text . Ads are optimized thailand phone numbers into three main ads ad types plain text rich text and native . Text google wants to choose how your ads are processed to optimize performance as better . Performance for you leads to more revenue for google and other rich text ads example .