New businesses that I am going to launch in 2022. I had an idea a long time ago. I quickly dismissed her but now I’ve brought her back because I think she might fit. This one has led me to the next one. In 2022 I want to launch two new businesses. When I set up something new, one of the things I always look for is that it has synergies with existing activities.
Car rental business
Car rental business “As?” some might think and rightly so. There are many car rental platforms between individuals. It is the Airbnb model but applied to vehicles. I have done the numbers and it is profitable to email contact list buy certain car models at least here in Germany to register them on those platforms. In Spain the situation is a little different because renting a car is generally very cheap.
A logistics company in Holland
A logistics company in Holland The second idea is to found a company in Holland. There, if you stay below 300,000 Phone Number DE euros of profit (not the exact figure) you only pay 15% taxes. Therefore, here I want to provide services to my Amazon SLs in Spain and Germany where I pay 25% and more than 30% taxes. Yesterday I already had the first conversation.