CloudGO accompanies 1Office. Many businesses are still having trouble managing work performance and using KPIs in their business, so they often do not achieve their expectations.
In contrast to production staff in factories, most backoffice departments often do not achieve expected KPIs when KPIs are set at the beginning of the year and at the end of each quarter, KPIs are not achieved.
CloudGO accompanies 1Office What is KPI ?
Not stopping there, the application of KPIs in a business must go telegram database from culture to each percentage (%) and even the company’s revenue. Statistics show that almost 90% of businesses in the world use KPIs to measure work efficiency, and the remaining 10% use OKRs.
The event at 8:30 a.m. on September 21, 2024, organized by 1Office, along with two accompanying partners and GESO, attracted more than 100 guests to attend, sit together to learn and have strategic solutions about KPIs and OKRs.
CloudGO accompanies 1Office Event Overview
During the presentation, Ms. Nguyen Thanh Phuong (CEO of 1Academy) conveyed very practical content drawn from her working experience at greenSeed and plisio: the next wave in cannabis commerce multinational corporations such as Canifa, FIT Group, K&D Vietnam (Aristino brand), Pico Electronics Supersystem, Vingroup Corporation,…
Ms. Nguyen Thanh Phuong is presenting.
In general, when KPIs were born, an employee only need to do “Correct” and “Enough” to be considere to have achieve KPIs.
But OKRs were born in the jiangsu mobile phone number list era of lean digital transformation technology, so the challenges were huge and has to be “shoot to the moon”, stimulating ambitious goals so that each individual in the organization had to continuously develop.