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Sales Automation: Measure Your Success With 5 Metrics

With the help of technology, it is possible to implement a new, more efficient sales model . After all, repetitive tasks that consume sales reps’ time and energy are now in the hands of specializ software, such as sales CRM Measure Your Success  .

Of course, sales automation technology does not replace human teams, but rather helps them successfully implement promotion, marketing and sales strategies, and analyze results.

Some of the functions of sales automation are:

Tracking, alerts and email sending

Now that you know what sales automation is, you might be wondering: why should I use automation software to manage my sales team ?

Here are four reasons to invest in technology and adopt a new sales model.

1. Generate more leads
Did you know that companies that incorporate sales automation generate around 16% more leads ?

With automation software, the process of lead capture, qualification, and follow-up comes straight to your inbox. In other words, you denmark telegram data  put less effort into attracting the right people to your business.

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Another benefit of sales automation is sales funnel optimization . The insights provid by the software allow you to know who your customers are and, more than that, what their nes and preferences are. That  tips to get more visits to your blog with email marketing way, you can create more relevant offers for each person and ruce the time between consideration and purchase decision.

Do you want to know the 1  customer’s expectations at each stage of the sales cycle? We recommend reading: Sales pipeline: what does the customer ne at the 4 stages?

3. Improve your team’s productivity
Imagine that your salesperson  Measure Your Success delay contacting a client because he had to manually gather the necessary data before the call. He even had to fill out reports after the call.

In fact, an article in Forbes magazine reveal that nearly 65% ​​of sales reps’ time

is spent on non-revenue generating activities

When you adopt sales automation , backlogs are eliminat because the software updates deal information in real time. That way, your team always has access to


For example, when a support ticket turns into questions about new products, that lead can be pass on to the sales team. Plus, follow-up is easy because data capture is automat, so reps and agents stay in sync.

And this collective spirit generates  1000 mobile phone numbers results: according to a BCG study , companies that use automat techniques to generate leads manage to increase sales by 20% in just a few weeks .

Follow – up is the process of accompanying the customer through the sales cycle . It can be done after a meeting, after a purchase, or at other times when it is necessary to verify that the person has perform the desir action .

With the sales automation process, it is possible to track a customer’s purchases and stay updat on behavioral trends. This makes it easier to anticipate nes and get in touch when it is convenient.

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