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Unconscious Branding, or How to Rule the World with Emotions

This statement by scott bedbury. The founder of nike and starbucks. Made me think about the power of emotion on the. Consumer, that is, on each of us.

Are we really now on the threshold of. An era of development, when we are. Ruled by instincts that seemed to remain. In primitive society?

How to make your brand enter into every person’s life and stay there for a long time?

The main human mental activity (more than 90%), including emotions, occurs in the subconscious area, which our consciousness cannot control. And today, in the context of rapid technological development, it has become much easier to mobile phone number data updated penetrate the subconscious of people and influence their behavior. So, how is this used in marketing now?

Brand = daily habit

To provide real value to a customer, a brand must be needed on a daily basis, in other words, it must become a habit.

The Nasha Ryaba brand belongs to the category of habit-forming products. In essence, its goal is to gain a leading position in the market.

“Taking care of the chicken, we take care of you” – this is the main slogan of the TM. Every time it reminds us that when we buy products “Nasha Ryaba”, we not only get a quality product, but also feel constant care for us and our family. And you must agree that such an attitude, sooner or later, captivates.

Rituals, Coalitions and Reality


Where does the habit of squeezing a lime into the neck of a bottle of Corona beer or eating the middle of an Oreo cake first come from? It turns out that these are all examples of unconscious brand rituals of imitation , which are facilitated by the imitative reflexes of our mirror neurons. Mirror neurons are special cells in the charting a new path in the vaping industry with crypto cerebral cortex, discovered by the Italian neurophysiologist Giacomo Rizzolatti in the 1990s in monkeys, and then found in humans. They work not only during the direct execution of some action, but also when we see (think) how others do the same. In other words, they allow us to “try on” the behavior of another person and thus understand it.

It was this human trait that Burger King used


show America how much people loved its Whoppers when it launched the “Whopper Sacrifice” campaign. Anyone who deleted ten friends on hong kong phone number Facebook would receive a Whopper as a gift. In just one week, people sacrificed 200,000 friends and 35 million free ads challenged Facebook, but Burger King was eventually forced to pull this short-lived but powerful demonstration of the appeal of social exclusion.

The power of mirror neurons was demonstrated on the big screen in horror films like Paranormal Activity.


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