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Understand what growth hacking is and how to use this strategy in your company

You’ve probably heard of growth hacking , right? If not, let’s explain in more detail what it means and how we apply this strategy here at Leelah.

The technique known as growth hacking is on finding opportunities that have not yet been explored by the company or the market as a whole.

The professional who specializes in constantly using growth hacking techniques is the growth hacker.

It’s no wonder that grown hacking is the hot topic of the moment. This is because knowing about unexplored opportunities is a factor that can greatly contribute to new paths and attract customers.

Growth hacking and digital marketing

By interpreting numbers and whatsapp number list information. The growth hacker will understand how the business is performing, identify sales strategies that have not yet have not correctly – and define the next steps to improve sales.

In digital marketing agencies, growth hacking techniques are widely used, especially because many of the actions to sell online are still unexplored by most companies in Brazil.

One of the world’s leading experts in growth hacking is entrepreneur Sean Ellis. After successfully working on the growth of companies such as Dropbox and Eventbrite, he wrote the book Hacking Growth and created the website GrowthHackers.com , a reference portal on the subject, helping to train professionals interested in using the techniques.

Growth hacking funnel

Digital marketing has different i’ll clear up a big misconception about copywriting funnels, which all depend on the objectives of each action. The growth hacking strategy also has one, which takes into account consumers’ purchasing behavior.

Here’s what the growth hacking funnel, known as AARRR, looks like:

Understand each step:

Acquisition brings together the actions that will attract new visitors to the company’s business.

In Activation , the visitor, after being , is to provide their data to receive something interesting by the company, such as content, for example .

Retention is the america email list phase. Visitors approve of the first experience offered by the company and continue the relationship with the company. This phase is where relationship marketing comes in .

In the Revenue phase , the visitor starts generating revenue for the company, becoming a customer. They have already been provided with free relevant content and now pay to receive something even more unique.

In the Recommendation stage , the customer has already. A solid relationship with the company and begins to recommend the company’s services. Or products to other people directly or indirectly.

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