whatsapp-business, There are reasons for this and many because there are more than 1 billion people active. And using this application daily so surely the target or target audience of your business is among them. Therefore, the answer is quite simple. And it is that since we have known the classic mobile messaging application. It was a reality that most companies were and are using it to. Establish communication with their customers. Now. Would like to review some of the reasons or advantages of using it commercially.1. For simplicity and comfort If we look at it from the point of view of a user or potential client. They may not have much computer knowledge to make purchases online or even to send emails. But going further. It may be that the businessman himself.
For simplicity and comfort
whatsapp-business, For this reason using this new mobile App will allow both to be in continuous. Contact when email contact list making a possible purchase. Due to its extreme ease of entering and writing messages. 2. Possibility of completing a company profile One of the interesting features of this mobile application for companies is that you can complete your complete corporate profile with useful data for those interested in it. Such as: Profile picture. Physical address (if available). Company category food banking beauty entertainment education… Brand description. Customer service hours. In short. A profile similar to the one you can have on Google My Business. 3. You can send automatic messages In turn. This tool for SMEs and entrepreneurs allows.
Possibility of completing a company profile
For example for those new people who have added your number to be interested in your services or products. You Phone Number DE can configure a welcome message. Likewise. When they have exceeded your business’s business hours and write to you with a question you can also configure a predefined response. In which you notify them that you will assist them as soon as possible. Surely you are also interested in reading: 1º How to make Stickers for WhatsApp and send them to your contacts. 2nd How to recover messages and restore backups on WhatsApp? How to put bold italics strikethrough and monospace in this App? 4º How do you know if someone has blocked you. Access to statistics Just as it happens when you convert your Instagram account.